about us

Everyone said:
"That will not do!"
Then one of us came, didn't know that and just did it!


We, the FB Liquid Soil team, have set ourselves the task of clearly establishing liquid soil from existing natural soils and liquid soil from mixing plant production on the market at fair market prices.

We do not produce liquid soil ourselves, we enable you to produce high-quality liquid soil.

With a pool of clients who want to implement liquid soil in their city or municipality, our knowledge, our technical know-how, the right aggregate and many highly qualified partners, we can provide you with comprehensive advice and support.

For this purpose, our three main areas of focus, training, consulting and technology, offer the optimal opportunity to respond to your needs in a solution-oriented manner.

We are always looking for new ways to expand and improve the liquid soil concept. Always keeping an eye on the environment, so that we support you in the production of liquid soil on the construction site or in the mixing plant.

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